Premium Service – CommuniGate

Highlights at a glance

  • Demand-optimized workforce scheduling in the customer service center
  • Forecasts based on customer traffic and back-office activities
  • Cost-efficient and employee-friendly planning
  • Legal and working time regulations, qualifications, service levels and time accounts - all factored in

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CommuniGate is specialized in excellent customer dialog catering to financial services providers, energy suppliers as well as small and medium-sized companies. Whether on or
offline, inbound or outbound – CommuniGate banks on treating customers and employees responsibly and equitably. As a company set up by Lufthansa AirPlus and BCS Bayern Card-
Services, this premium service provider offers the entire range of distribution and service-oriented customer communication. The roughly 650 employees in Passau and Frankfurt an der Oder manage more than three million written transactions and 2.8 million telephone calls every year. To ensure that every inquiry is processed professionally, competently and promptly, CommuniGate relies on the ATOSS Call Center Solution to schedule the deployment of its employees on the basis of precise requirements forecasts. The forecasts, however, not only take account of "customer contact" business and its average
processing time. The solution also schedules time for back office activities, e.g. the processing of credit card applications and inquiries. Every day, the incoming volumes expected are forecast while a time budget is set up for the back office at the
same time. The planning process also encompasses laws, working time regulations, qualifications, defined service levels and working time accounts. The balancing act between economically efficient employee workloads matched by optimal availability, is part and parcel of daily customer service center operations. Workforce scheduling at CommuniGate that is
simultaneously demand-based and employee focused, provides sufficient time for customers, makes for motivated teams and delivers excellent service. Premium – plain and simple. Customer excellence is a claim that many companies aspire to today, as committed employees and professional communication promote a positive image. That is why companies such as Deerberg, HUK-COBURG, Lands' End, Medgate or Sixt rely on
ATOSS Workforce Management – also in their customer contact centers. Because motivated employees are quite simply better employees.

Source: ATOSS Customer Communigate/Annual Report 2018