The balancing act between economic efficiency and service quality is part of daily business. Workforce management ensures the exact deployment of personnel in line with the order volume. Accurate forecasts not only factor in the "customer contact" transaction, but also its average processing time. Competent 24/7 customer dialog is guaranteed.
The holistic workforce management process in the call center
Full integration with working time management makes availabilities and time accounts visible in real time. The system maps tariffs, laws and company- or country-specific regulations 1:1. In the event of short-term staff shortage, a suitable replacement can be found quickly – taking into account the qualifications and the status of the time account. In this way, overtime is distributed more fairly, while unnecessary personnel costs are avoided at the same time.
Maria Herbst-BöhmOur workforce management solution provides us with the basis for more flexibility and employee-friendly working concepts. In a service business, a motivated team simply makes all the difference in day-to-day customer contact.
Self services, apps and scheduling of preferred duty planning enable co-determination in the organization of working time. By way of a digital shift exchange platform, colleagues can swap shifts more or less independently, even after scheduling. Before confirming the exchange, the system checks whether all defined specifications have been met. In this way, individual flexibility remains within the entrepreneurial framework.
Intuitive self services also help HR and supervisors get daily routines done faster. For example, holiday requests can be approved or denied from anywhere by way of the app. Push messages inform all users about changes in the duty plan and to-dos concerning working hours, which they can easily edit online. More time is created for the essentials – on all company levels.