A customer dialog universe  – Callpoint

Highlights at a glance

  • Workforce scheduling based on customer contacts and order volume
  • Back-office activities included in the planning process
  • Increased self-determination for 500 members of staff
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Callpoint has been providing a full range of sales and service-oriented customer communication for more than ten years – 24/7 and in four languages. Sophisticated solutions along the customer life cycle and across all channels represent the core expertise of this owner-managed stock corporation. With around 500 employees active in Baden, Basle and Berne, the company has opted for Switzerland as a location, matched by top-notch quality. And doing so with great success. The number 2 in the domestic call center market was presented with the Best Partnership Award for excellent customer relations in 2015 and 2017. In order to achieve even more service-driven and at the same time more employee-friendly workforce scheduling, Callpoint opted for digital workforce management with the ATOSS Call Center Solution. The project is already in the implementation phase. A visit to Medgate, the telemedicine provider, convinced the management of the high functionality of the ATOSS solution and the benefits of integrating time and attendance management and workforce scheduling. A major strong point being the fact that all the relevant data such as budget/actual times, absences, qualifications or shift models are available to planners in real time. The Automatic Duty Plan will ensure that agents are deployed in line with the volume of customer contacts or orders on the basis of precise demand forecasts – including back office activities. Employee requests and preferences concerning their working time are also incorporated into the planning. The team is delighted with the new, intuitive Staff Center where they have instant access to all information and processes concerning their personal working time – as straightforward as a private app. And of course our software speaks fluent French and Swiss German.

Source: ATOSS Customer Callpoint | Annual Report 2018