In guten wie in schlechten Zeiten Wasserglas

 In good times and in bad times

Workforce Management creates added value -  In good times and in bad times

Economic experts are currently forecasting the deepest global recession in 100 years. According to the Federal Employment Agency, 470,000 companies in Germany have now announced short-time work, while many small and medium-sized companies have to fear for their existence. No matter how the global economy develops, one thing is certain: Our society and the way we live and work together is set to change.

Highly flexible organization of working time is the name of the game

It is precisely in this exceptional situation that we perceive digital workforce management as an important trailblazer for more flexible, individualized working hours and increasingly agile personnel processes. After all, these solutions efficiently support our customers in maintaining business operations as smoothly as possible, while protecting the interests and health of their employees.

Many of them work in healthcare, in the public sector, in food retailing or in logistics. All of these industries are currently of vital importance and face unprecedented challenges. Mastering these challenges is what drives us forward and makes our work all the more meaningful.

Digitization providing first aid for organizations

Companies that have already digitized their working time management and planning processes and have professional workforce management solutions in place are currently more favorably positioned. They can respond to extreme demand fluctuations with greater velocity and record working times via apps – if work from home is the order of the day. And all this comes with enhanced transparency and full compliance with legal, collective bargaining and company regulations. And just how will our customers who are impacted by short-time work stand to benefit?

See also:

Light in the dark: Lighthouse examples from actual practice

Although we may be encountering no lack of negative scenarios day in, day out, there are also many positive developments to report. Take Saarbrücken Hospital, for example, that succeeded in setting up an intensive care ventilation unit within a mere five days. The clinic has been consistently relying on digital workforce management over the course of many years. Daily adjustments of the occupancy situation can be made at short notice, while additional capacity is provided by a cross-unit pool of staff. Thanks to this flexibility, the hospital is able to ensure high-quality patient care without losing sight of staff needs.

Medgate Tele Clinic, Europe's largest telemedical center, has taken over the official coronavirus Infoline of the Swiss government at short notice. The team attends to and treats patients 365 days a year and around the clock – by app, telephone or video. Workforce scheduling is performed digitally – including an exchange platform for employees. Here too, professional time and attendance management is contributing significantly to mastering the current challenges.

Reconciling the requirements of society and the demands of the individual

We believe that it is possible to reconcile the interests of the individual and the interests of society at large – at least in the area of working time organization. We are currently experiencing this with many customers. The added value of workforce management is especially evident in the current downturn. Above all, the digitization of personnel processes represents a sound investment in the future. And bad times will invariably be followed by good times. For my part, I am already looking forward to brighter days! 

Best wishes from my home office.