Europe-wide cloud – OSI Group

Die Highlights im Überblick

  • Workforce management in the cloud across national borders
  • Standardization of the heterogeneous system landscape 
  • Adaptation to local laws, regulations and systems
  • Legally compliant, attractive working environment

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Headquartered in the USA, the OSI Group is a premier global food provider. At 65 production facilities in 18 countries over 20,000 employees are forming an efficient global food network. The company makes custom food for international foodservice and retail food brands. The fast-growing group of companies has 3,000 employees and 22 production sites in Europe. As part of a digitalization project, its European headquarters were looking for a multilingual workforce management solution and a partner with international expertise. The goal was to standardize the heterogeneous HR system landscape across the eight European country operations, while working on a tight schedule, and to involve blue-collar employees more closely in working time management processes. OSI quickly opted for ATOSS and its cloud-based Enterprise Solution, including the Working Time Management, Access Control and Self Services modules. Interfaces to PCS time recording and access terminals, rexx HRM and country-specific payroll systems were also required – not an issue for our solution, as its standard version can be adapted to local legislation, regulations and systems without any costly extra programming.

Our new workforce management solution provides more efficiency, transparency and legal certainty surrounding working time – across borders.|Andrea Neubauer|HR Manager|OSI Europe Regional Office

The pilot project in the new, state-of-the-art plant in the UK was implemented in a short time span in fall of 2020. Full operation is currently being launched at more food processing facilities in the same country, as well as at the locations in Austria, Poland and Spain, with Germany, Ukraine, Hungary and the Netherlands to follow in a further wave of rollouts by the end of 2021. Our international team of consultants is working with a preconfigured pilot master in order to ensure timely, cost-effective implementation throughout all the countries involved. They are aiming for as much standardization as is possible across national borders and as much customization as is required at local level. Digital workforce management is helping the innovative group to lay firm foundations throughout Europe for a safe, secure, attractive and legally compliant working environment. Additional projects, such as introducing workforce scheduling, are already being discussed.