HENSOLDT is a technology and innovation pioneer in the area of defense and security electronics. With its headquarters in Taufkirchen near Munich and 25 other sites in Germany and overseas, the company ranks as the world’s leading provider of premium sensors. HENSOLDT chose to introduce cloudbased workforce management for its over 4,000 staff as part of an extensive HR digitization project and was won over by the browser-based high-end technology, comprehensive features and functionalities, as well as the innovative self services in the ATOSS Staff Efficiency Suite. After all, individual responsibility, fairness and transparency in the organization of working time are important values at HENSOLDT.
We were won over by how seamlessly our new workforce management solution was integrated into our existing HR IT setup and how autonomously the system can be administrated.
The intuitive Staff Center will allow employees to have all the information and processes relating to their working time at their fingertips in the future. Task Management automatically triggers proactive warnings, such as if an employee forgets a time stamp or is about to hit their working hours limit. Interfaces with single sign-on connect the ATOSS Enterprise Solution to SD Worx Payroll and the Workday HR Core System. Seamless integration into the existing system setup has optimized processes across the board and minimized the admin workload. After the rollout to the ten German sites, South Africa will be next in line. Equipped with ATOSS Workforce Management, the innovative high-tech company is state-of-the-art when it comes to its HR processes too..
Source: ATOSS CUSTOMER HENSOLDT /Annual Report 2019