Supply Chain 4.0 – Rhenus Contract Logistics

Highlights at a glance

  • International workforce management for more than 12,000 employees 
  • Uniform planning system at all locations at Rhenus Netherlands
  • More efficient productivity management and greater transparency
  • Flexible and cost-efficient compensation of order fluctuations
  • Digital self services enabling employee democratization

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Rhenus Contract Logistics ranks as one of the largest providers of integrated logistics processes in the Netherlands. The company belongs to the Rhenus Group, which is represented globally with more than 33,000 employees at over 750 locations. The Contract, Freight and Port Logistics Divisions stand for the management of complex supply chains and for innovative value-added services. In Germany and Switzerland, the company has long been relying on ATOSS Workforce Management for more than 11,000 employees. Our Logistics Solution is now also being deployed at Rhenus Netherlands – specifically at six of the Contract Logistics Division’s sites – including its ultra-modern logistics center in Tilburg. As our Enterprise Solution met all the requirements for digital workforce management, there was no need for special programming. The company-wide Raet payroll system was also integrated seamlessly via an interface. Some 1,000 employees are now recording their working time digitally. Dormakaba terminals enable direct account assignment to specific cost centers, customers or activities, thereby facilitating efficient productivity management. All the data is available in real time for evaluations, planning and scheduling – at all times. Highly complex working time rules, special shift sequences and numerous required qualifications are incorporated into the planning process. The external employee pool is also planned and managed via the ATOSS solution, enabling the company to respond flexibly and cost-effectively to the fluctuating order situations so typical of the logistics sector. Management is delighted with the more efficient processes, a uniform planning system for all locations and enhanced transparency in all HR matters. And staff are benefiting too, being actively involved in managing their own working time thanks to self services. ATOSS Workforce Scheduling is already in full operation in three of the large logistics centers and will be rolled out to the others in due course. This is one more expedient step towards Logistics 4.0 and a future-viable working environment.

Thanks to uniform planning processes and an efficient cost center management we now have a lot more transparency regarding the productivity of our sites. In this way, we can act more flexibly and cost-efficiently.|Ronald Udo|IT Director|Rhenus Contract Logistics Netherlands|

Quelle: ATOSS Customer Rhenus Contract Logistics|ATOSS Annual Report 2020