Munich, 26. April 2016


ATOSS Software AG: Dividend payment of EUR 2.80 per share approved; Continued growth in 2016

At today’s annual general meeting of ATOSS Software AG, the Management Board reported on the continuing positive development of the company. For the 10th time in succession the Munich-based specialist in workforce management succeeded in setting new heights in sales and earnings – demonstrating repeatedly the high degree of stability and success of ATOSS business model.

Shareholders at the AGM approved the management’s proposals unanimously or by an overwhelming majority. The members of the Supervisory Board were confirmed in office and the proposed dividend of EUR 0.95 (previous year: 0.88) per share and a special distribution of EUR 1.85 per share were also approved.

ATOSS Software AG therefore remains true to its dividend policy which provides for continuity and allows shareholders to enjoy a generous share in the company’s success. The cumulative amount paid out to shareholders over the past fourteen years including some special payments adds up to EUR 19.19 per share. In addition to substantial growth in the ATOSS share price – well above the development in comparative indices – the annual dividend payments underscore the attractiveness of a long-term investment in ATOSS Software AG. Based on the price for the stock at the end of 2015, the company is offering a dividend yield of 4.1 percent (previous year: 2.7 percent).

Even after the payment to shareholders on April 27, 2016 ATOSS continues to have considerable liquidity at its disposal in the amount of around EUR 10 million as well as a strong equity.

The outlook for the company’s continuing development in financial year 2016 remains positive. The Management Board once again expects cost structure to remain generally unchanged, with sales and earnings developing on a par with the past years’ growth rates within a bandwidth of +/- 3 percent and EBIT margin around 25 percent.

Download the press release here:

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Christof Leiber
Christof Leiber
Member of the Board of Management