Unlock the power of HR analytics with ATOSS

Making informed decisions with HR analytics

In today's data-driven business landscape, HR analytics has become a game-changer for organizations looking to make informed decisions and drive strategic HR initiatives. ATOSS empowers you to harness the full potential of HR analytics, providing you with a wealth of benefits.

Your benefits:

  • Easily analyze essential HR metrics for swift decision-making.
  • Delve into HR data using ATOSS's comprehensive analysis and reporting tools for deep insights.
  • Maintain consistency and accuracy with uniform key figures, enhancing transparency and HR management.

Step into the future of HR analytics with ATOSS. Our experts will be delighted to assist you.

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Bundling HR key figures superfast and data-based Bundle HR key figures at the touch of a button with standardized online queries or individually generated reports. You can display these figures directly in your system or make them available as automated reports. The existing database of your digital workforce management system is all you need. Thanks to extensive templates, for example, evaluations can be created for: 

  • Cost center overview
  • Reakdown of full- and part-time employees
  • Exceeding the maximum working time
  • Breaches of the rest period regulations
  • Exceeding target times
  • Comparison of accrued working times between two areas
  • Target/actual comparison between planned and actually achieved sales


Integrating Business Intelligence into workforce management

Based on data-supported personnel analyses, you can develop the full potential of your workforce. Just tap the data from your workforce management system and analyze it with common BI tools. Data transfer is no problem via the ATOSS BI Connector. Get all the answers you need in one place. Perfectly prepared and visualized.


Identifying trends with precise analyses and acting proactively

With the help of defined KPIs and metrics, you will gain transparency about correlations in workforce deployment and management and can act quickly as required: You determine the dimensions and the level of detail.

  • Comparison between forecast and actual employee deployment
  • Comparison of real and planned sickness rates
  • Presentation of the age structure of all employees
  • Time credit analysis company-wide or per department
  • Annual comparison of holiday account analysis
  • Departmental comparisons, for example with regard to sick days or holidays
  • Productivity ratios at company, division and department level

Ready for greater transparency?

  • Analysis of HR key figures at the push of a button
  • Multidimensional analyses and reports
  • Uniform key figures throughout the company
  • Foundation for better informed decisions

Frequently asked questions about HR analytics

  • What is HR analytics, and why is it important? 

    HR analytics involves using data and statistical techniques to analyze HR-related data, helping organizations make data-driven decisions about their workforce. It's crucial because it enables organizations to understand employee trends, improve HR processes, and make informed decisions to enhance overall performance.

  • How can HR analytics benefit my organization?

    HR analytics allows you to analyze HR key figures at the push of a button, providing quick access to critical workforce insights. It also enables multidimensional analyses and reports, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your workforce. By maintaining uniform key figures throughout the company, it promotes transparency and helps facilitate effective HR management, ultimately serving as a foundation for better-informed decisions.


  • What types of data can HR analytics analyze?

    HR analytics can analyze various types of HR-related data, including employee demographics, performance metrics, turnover rates, recruitment and retention data, employee engagement surveys, compensation and benefits information, and more. It can provide insights into employee behavior, productivity, and trends within the organization.

  • How can HR analytics help improve workforce strategies?

    HR analytics can help organizations optimize workforce strategies by providing insights into employee performance, identifying areas for improvement, and predicting future HR trends. It can inform decisions related to recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, and more. This data-driven approach enables organizations to align their workforce strategies with business goals effectively.

  • How can ATOSS help my enterprise with HR analytics?

    ATOSS provides comprehensive HR analytics solutions that enable your enterprise to analyze HR key figures at the push of a button, facilitating quick and informed decision-making. With ATOSS multidimensional analyses and reports, you gain a deeper understanding of your workforce, allowing you to identify trends and areas for improvement. Additionally, ATOSS ensures uniform key figures throughout the company, promoting transparency and enabling effective HR management. These capabilities serve as the foundation for better-informed decisions, empowering your enterprise to optimize workforce strategies and enhance overall performance.